Thai massage – yoga for the lazy

In Thailand, the most striking are the amazing beaches, the amazing warm sea and, of course, the famous traditional massage, which has no analogues in the whole world.
If you have never been to Siam, fly to Thailand urgently and first of all go in search of the nearest Thai Spa and order this procedure. After all, it can be safely included in the list of things that everyone should try!

Alas, not everyone knows what a real Thai massage is. Many tourists who have visited the nightlife of Bangkok are sure that this is erotic entertainment, during which a naked Asian woman crawls over the client’s body. In fact, the traditional procedure has nothing to do with this. Thai massage is partly a spiritual practice associated with Buddhist teachings. The masters of this craft are deeply religious people who spend almost all their free time in meditation sessions. Therefore, you will not see naked girls in any self-respecting spa salon.

If you decide to try traditional Thai massage, be prepared to be surprised. It is very different from its European counterparts. The Siamese procedure is not just a mechanical effect on the body. Thais are sure that vital energy circulates in the body, which passes through the meridians that permeate us. You feel cheerful and healthy only if the flow of this force is evenly distributed throughout the body, and any obstacle in its path leads to diseases. Therefore, the main purpose of Thai massage is to eliminate obstacles and release energy by affecting biologically active points. Whether or not to believe in the effectiveness of this technique with a thousand–year history is up to you. In any case, distrustful pragmatists will also like it, because no other massage in the world is unable to work out every cell of the body the way Thai does. During the procedure, the master uses special techniques: he does not crush the skin with his hands alone, but uses elbows, knees, forearms and even feet. The masseur will not stroke, he will twist, bend, stretch, bend and straighten you. The process is called passive yoga for a reason – the client does nothing, but his body gets physical activity, which improves metabolism and blood circulation, stagnant joints regain flexibility and mobility, muscle pain and tension go away.

Thai massage also helps to lose excess weight: it normalizes metabolic processes in the body, thereby accelerating the removal of fluid and toxins. However, in order to consolidate the result, after several sessions of “passive yoga” it is worth switching to slimming Thai techniques.
Before the start of the session, you will be asked to undress to your underwear and will be given a comfortable uniform – Thai pants and a T-shirt made of natural materials. Get ready for the fact that you will not be able to relax during the massage. The procedure is tough, active, sometimes you will even feel discomfort. After all, the master will begin to work out problem areas – places where salts have stagnated, muscles are very tense and vertebrae are displaced. Many young ladies with sensitive skin even have bruises. But you do not need to be afraid of this: the incredible lightness in the body and the surge of vivacity that you will feel after the massage will more than pay for all the unpleasant sensations. In a Thai massage parlor, you will not have to report your troubles in broken English (almost all Thai women do not speak Russian, and English too). A good master is always a diagnostician, your body will show him where it is whining, pulling or shooting.

If you choose the right salon, unearthly pleasure is guaranteed. And it’s not just the skill of the masseur, but also the atmosphere that will surround you. Traditional Thai gentle music, incense, flowers… The session in such conditions will be perfect. And in good spa centers, massage is done on special Siamese mats: they differ from European ones in that they are stuffed not with synthetics, but with dry herbs. Such a litter is very rigid, it is impossible to bend it. And remember, the mat should be on the floor, not on the table. It is very important. In order to be released, your energy must be in contact with the power of the earth. There is another little secret: it is better to come for a massage in the morning. The fact is that Thai massage therapists are unique healers who heal not only and not so much our bodies, but rather our souls. They take away our negative energy, thereby saving us from many mental and spiritual problems. For this reason, morning massages are much more effective, since the master has not yet “absorbed” the negative energy of bodily diseases and psychological disharmonies of numerous clients who have passed through his healing hands before you.