Thai foot massage

Foot massage is a sequence of manual techniques to be performed in the exact prescribed order on the feet and the lower part of both legs. The total duration of this massage is 1 hour. The ancient Siamese culture has been developing effective healing techniques for several centuries under the influence of two powerful systems – Chinese traditional medicine and Indian Ayurveda.

The concept underlying foot massage is to help the body heal itself by strengthening its protective natural forces so that it is able to prevent and cope with diseases on its own. The sequence of manual techniques is designed so that all reflex points are massaged several times in different ways. Foot massage is more like therapy than massage.

To date, foot massage is a record holder among Thai techniques in massage parlors. Everyone has heard about reflexogenic zones of the foot and miraculous results.

In addition, the high sensitivity of some points of the foot allows you to identify possible violations in the organs corresponding to these zones. The relaxing effect is simply amazing. After the massage, there is a lightness in the legs. As a result of reducing the dysfunction of the glands and internal organs that contribute to overweight, the overall health and appearance improves.

In Thailand, at the end of a foot massage session, they do a light massage of the hands and head. Be sure to wash your feet before the session. The banquette on which the legs are placed is the same height as the seat of the chair on which the client is sitting. Rollers are placed under the neck and under the lower back of the client. Very convenient. The pose is semi–sedentary. The masseur is located on a lower bench.After the foot massage is finished, they move to the hands. With the help of a lever, the back of the chair takes an almost horizontal position. You’re almost lying down. When the hands are finished, they offer to move to the banquette and do the final massage of the neck and head.